Active Roster
There are multiple ways to support our efforts to unify and empower global communities. Please help us do our work in the following ways:
1. Direct donation. OpenOceans Global welcomes direct donations. These can be made through the PayPal donation link below or by sending a check directly to P.O. Box 22971, San Diego, CA . 92192-2971. Checks should be made out to OpenOceans Global. We are a 501(c)3, not-for-profit organization, incorporate in teh State of California on Novemer 8, 2007. The IRS issue non-proft status on April 17, 2009.
2. Introduction to grants. If you believe we might be eligible for a government or philanthropic grant, please forward that information to along with your reasons why OpenOceans Global might be eligible.
3. Volunteer. We have opportunities to do online research in a number of ways, from simple online research, to collaboration with university and agency researchers on investigating the sources of trash and what can be done to stop the flows. Contact us at for more information.