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Ocean Plastic and Trash
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Find your trashed beach or coastal area on this map!

How to Use the Map

  • Zoom in and out
  • Locate beaches around the world that regularly accumulate trash and plastic.
  • Cick on the icon representing any beach or coastal area to see an image, a summary of the problem in that area, what is being done, and links to additional resources.
  • See the major sources of trash (ten rivers and five countries)
  • View ocean current visualizations that indicate how trash might have arrived at its final location
  • Change the base imagery by clicking on the thumbnail in the lower left corner.
  • Click on the ">>" icon on the upper left to see your viewing choices.

Is your beach trashed? If you know of a beach that regularly accumulates significant amounts of trash and plastic you can add it to our map here.

Where did trash on your beach come from? To find out where the trash on your beach might have come from, try our Trash Tracker.




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